Quality Assurance
Quality Assured Product:
Quality Control:
To ensure that we deliver quality products, you have our assurance that we thoroughly inspect and test all of our final products before leaving the facility.
Quality Assurance:
To improve our internal processes on quality, we have thoroughly reviewed all of our inspection methods and have put new Control Plans into operation on every workstation. The result is that we are confident that we will capture any issues on our facility, preventing non-conforming parts from getting to our customers.
Buyers can rest assured that our manufacturing processes are to provide Quality Assured Products, which conform to the Buyer's requirements. We have a dedicated Quality Control team with an RWC certification (Responsible Welding Coordinator). We are responsible for managing our ISO 9001 Quality Comparability System and our structural steel production to Execution Class 2.
The strict process in place is the base learning process for our operators. It adds additional responsibility and accountability. The improvement within will strive to ensure that we are making the product right the first time.
Contacting Us:
Considers us for your upcoming power project, we guarantee your satisfaction. If you have any questions regarding the power requirement or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you have any questions about this document, please contact us.
This document was last updated in Jun 2021